Saturday, January 19, 2013

Since we moved to Clinton, Massachusetts...

 I have been enjoying an authentic New England Winter....
Working at home, getting the house organized from the huge amount of boxes and stuff, my life here have been busy and not so productive for my business
Painting walls around and starting to decorate the house, take all my day during the week, and in weekends we try to enjoy visiting Boston and other areas enjoying our family....
The views around home are incredible beautiful... I'm amazed with the tranquility, the nature, the sound of the train every days few miles from home, the bells from the churches....
The whole picture is like magic...
The woods in our backyard brings deers footprints and many different tracks of animals close to us!
Is a new world to discover and I'm going for it!

Hope you fall in love with it... Thankful, Jacqueline